Tuesday, June 10, 2014


It is shallow depth of field it focuses on flower.

The Vermier came out really good and the skin tone is prime.

I liked this one becuase it look good and also her skin tone is egual and looks plessent.

She is looking right at the camera and is like "what" and skin is equal.

it is very creative and i like it.

it lookes like the guy is painting the Red Bull on the brick wall.

he really is  showing good emoution and i liked that.

is showing actual smile not fake.

worked hard on the photoshop and came out reall good.

i cuaght the car good and crisp and everything else is blury.

The favorite thing about this class is abvously taking pitures and getting better at doing that.
i learned that you have to be in akward spots sometimes to take pictures and they come out really good.
To all freshman next year do your work and finish things on time but make sure the lighting is good and watch out for people in the background.
i really kind of didnt like the shutter spedd project because it was a little boreing.